Maya Narayan Nair
DST Postdoctoral fellow
Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012 INDIA
Phone No: +91 7619609113
Fax No: +91 80 2360 1310 mail: maya.narchana@gmail.com
Research Interest
Two dimensional materials like graphene and MoS2, atomic and electronic structure, Photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES and XPS), scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy.
Work Experience
- Jan 2018-present: DST Postdoctoral Fellow, SSCU, IISc, Bangalore, India.
- Jan 2014-Dec 2017: Postdoctoral Fellow in Cassiopée beamline, Synchrotron SOLEIL, France.
A. Celis, M. N. Nair, M. Sicot, F. Nicolas, S. Kubsky, D. Malterre, S. Kubsky, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi and A.Tejeda. Superlattice-induced minigaps in graphene band structure due to underlying one-dimensional nanostructuration Phys. Rev. B 97, 195410(1-6) (2018).
L. Daukiya, M. N. Nair, S. Hajjar-Garreau , F. Vonau, D. Aubel, J. L. Bubendorff, M. Cranney, E. Denys,A. Florentin, G. Reiter, and L. Simon, Highly n-doped graphene generated through intercalated terbium atoms. Phys. Rev. B., 97, 035309(1-6) (2018).
M. N. Nair, I. Palacio, A. Celis, A. Zobelli, A. Gloter, S. Kubsky, J-P. Turmaud, M. Conrad, C. Berger, W. A. de Heer, E. H. Conrad, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi and A. Tejeda. Band gap opening induced by the structural periodicity on the graphene buffer layer, Nano Lett. 17, 2681 (2017).
Min-I, Ana Barragán, M. N. Nair, Pierre Fertey, Amina Taleb-Ibrahimi, Vincent Jacques, David Le Bolloc’h, Khaoula Jemli, Ferdinand Lédée, Gaëlle Allard-Trippe, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Laurent Pedesseau, Claudine Katan, Jacky Even and Antonio Tejeda First Experimental Observation of the Electronic Structure on MAPI Hybrid Perovskite. J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 50 (2017).
M. Conrad, F. Wang, M.S. Nevius, K. Jinkins, A. Celis, M.N. Nair, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, A. Tejeda, Y. Garreau, A. Vlad, A. Coati, P.F. Miceli and E. H. Conrad. Wide Band gap semiconductor from a hidden 2D incommensurate graphene phase. Nano. Lett. 17 (1) 341 (2017).
A. Celis, M. N. Nair, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi , C. Berger, W. A. de Heer, E.H. Conrad and A. Tejeda. Graphene Nanoribbons: fabrication, properties and devices, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.49,143 (2016).
M. N. Nair, M. Cranney, T. Jiang, S. Hajjar-Garreau, D. Aubel, A. Florentin, E. Denys, M.L. Bocquet and L. Simon, Noble metal intercalation process leading to a protected adatom in Graphene hollow site. Phys. Rev. B.94, 075427 (2016).
M.S. Nevius, M. Conrad, F. Wang, A. Celis, M.N. Nair, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, A. Tejeda and E. H. Conrad. Semiconducting graphene from highly ordered substrate interactions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115,136802 (2015). (selected editor’s viewpoint in Phys. Rev. Lett.)
M. N. Nair, C. Mattioli, M. Cranney, J.P. Malval, F. Vonau, D. Aubel, J. L. Bubendorff, A. Gourdon and L. Simon. STM Studies of Self-Assembled Tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) Derivatives on Graphene: Influence of the Mode of Deposition. J. Phys. Chem. C, 119 (17), 9334(2015).
I. Palacio, A. Celis, M. N. Nair, A. Gloter, A. Zobelli, M. Sicot, D. Malterre, M.S. Nevius, W. A. de Heer, C. Berger, E.H. Conrad, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi and A. Tejeda, Atomic structure of epitaxial graphene sidewall nanoribbons: Flat graphene, miniribbons and confinement gap, Nano Lett.,15,182 (2015).
M. N. Nair, N. Hobeika, S. Aloïse, A. Spangenberg, L. Simon, M. Cranney, F. Vonau, D. Aubel, F. Serein-Spirau, J.-P. Lère-Porte and J. P. Malval, One- and Two-Photon Absorption and Emission Properties of Oligo (phenylenethienylene)s series. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,16, 12826 (2014).
M. N. Nair, M. Cranney, F. Vonau, D. Aubel, P. Le Fèvre, A. Tejeda, F. Bertran, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi and L. Simon, High van Hove singularity extension and Fermi velocity increase in epitaxial graphene functionalized by intercalated gold clusters. Phys. Rev. B., 85245421(2012).
Educational qualifications
- Sept 2013: Ph.D. Physics (experimental condensed matter), IS2M, University of Haute Alsace Mulhouse, France.
- Sept 2008: Masters in Advanced materials and Nanotechnology, University of Hull, UK.
- Mar 2006: Bachelor of Education, University of Mahatma Gandhi, Kerala, India.
- Mar 2005: Master in Physics, University of Mahatma Gandhi, Kerala, India.
Prizes and Awards
- February 2018: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Research Fellowship awarded by European Commission.
- Sep 2017: DST National Post-doctoral Fellowship in Nanoscience and Technology.
- April 2006: Got selected best student for UK higher studies from Kudumbashree (Women empowerment and poverty eradication mission Program), India.
- Mar 2003: Best student award for obtaining highest mark in B.Sc Physics, Physics Department Fellowship, University of Mahatma Gandhi, Kerala, India University of Mahatma Gandhi, Kerala, India.