Energy Application
Sharada Govinda, Bhushan P. Kore, Pratibha Mahale, Anshu Pandey and D. D. Sarma, Can SHG Measurements Determine Polarity of Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskites? (Viewpoint article) ,
ACS Energy Lett. 3, 1887 (2018).
Debasish Sarkar, Soham Mukherjee, Somnath Pal, D. D. Sarma, and Ashok Shukla, Hexagonal WO3 Nanorods as Ambipolar Electrode Material in Asymmetric WO3//WO3/MnO2 Supercapacitor,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 165, A2108 (2018).
Shyamashis Das, Somnath Ghara, Priya Mahadevan, A. Sundaresan, J. Gopalakrishnan, and D. D. Sarma, Designing a Lower Bandgap Bulk Ferroelectric Material with a Sizable Polarization at the Room Temperature,
ACS Energy Lett. 3, 1176, (2018).
Angelo Leo, Anna Grazia Monteduro, Silvia Rizzato, Zoobia Ameer, I.C. Lekshmi, Abhijit Hazarika, Debraj Choudhury, D.D. Sarma, Giuseppe Maruccio, RF and microwave dielectric response investigation of high-k yttrium copper titanate ceramic for electronic applications,
Microelectronic Engineering 194, 15 (2018).
Sharada Govinda, Bhushan P. Kore, Diptikanta Swain, Akmal Hossain, Chandan De, Tayur N. Guru Row and D. D. Sarma, A Critical Comparison of FAPbX3 and MAPbX3 (X = Br and Cl): How Do They Differ ?,
J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 13758 (2018).
Zoobia Ameer, Anna Grazia Monteduro, Silvia Rizzato, Anna Paola Caricato, Maurizio Martino, I. C. Lekshmi, Abhijit Hazarika, Debraj Choudhury, Elisabetta Mazzotta, Cosimino Malitesta,Vittorianna Tasco, D. D. Sarma, Giuseppe Maruccio, Dielectrical performance of high-k yttrium copper titanate thin films for electronic applications,
J Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. 29, 7090 (2018)
Debashish Sarkar, Somnath Pal, Suman Mandal, Ashok Shukla and D. D. Sarma, α-Fe2O3-Based Core-Shell-Nanorod-Structured Positive and Negative Electrodes for a High-Performance α-Fe2O3/MnOx // $α-Fe2O3/C Asymmetric Supercapacitor,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 164, A2707 (2017).
Sharada Govinda, Bhushan P. Kore, Menno Bokdam, Pratibha Mahale, Abhinav Kumar, Somnath Pal, Biswajit Bhattacharyya, Jonathan Lahnsteiner, Georg Kresse, Cesare Franchini, Anshu Pandey, and D. D. Sarma, Behavior of Methylammonium Dipoles in MAPbX3 (X = Br and I),
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8, 4113 (2017).
J Lahnsteiner, G Kresse, A Kumar, D. D. Sarma, C Franchini, and M Bokdam, Room-temperature dynamic correlation between methylammonium molecules in lead-iodine based
perovskites: An ab initio molecular dynamics perspective, Phys. Rev. B 94, 214114
S. Sampath, D. D. Sarma and A. K. Shukla, Electrochemical Energy Storage: The Indian
Scenario, (Energy Focus article) ACS - Energy Letters 1, 1162 (2016).
Anna Grazia Monteduro, Zoobia Ameer, Silvia Rizzato, Maurizio Martino, Anna Paola
Caricato, Vittorianna Tasco, Indira Chaitanya Lekshmi, Abhijit Hazarika, Debraj Choudhury, D. D. Sarma, Giuseppe Maruccio, Investigation of high-k yttrium copper titanate
thin films as alternative gate dielectrics, J. Phys. D 49, 405303 (2016).
Sharada. G, Pratibha Mahale, Bhushan P. Kore, Somdutta Mukherjee, Mysore S. Pavan,
Chandan De, Somnath Ghara, A. Sundaresan, Anshu Pandey, Tayur. N. Guru Row, D.
D. Sarma, Is CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 Polar? , J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 2412 (2016).
Menno Bokdam, Tobias Sander, Alessandro Stroppa, Silvia Picozzi, D.D. Sarma, Cesare
Franchini, and Georg Kresse, Role of Polar Phonons in the Photo Excited State of Metal
Halide Perovskites, Sci. Rep. 6, 28618 (2016).
Debasish Sarkar, Ashok K. Shukla and D. D. Sarma, Substrate Integrated Nickel-Iron
Ultra-Battery with Extraordinarily Enhanced Performances, ACS Energy Lett. 1, 82
Anna Grazia Monteduro, Zoobia Ameer, Maurizio Martino, Anna Paola Caricato, Vittorianna Tasco, Indira Chaitanya Lekshmi, Ross Rinaldi, Abhijit Hazarika, Debraj Choudhury, D. D. Sarma, Giuseppe Maruccio, Dielectric investigation on high-k Yttrium Copper Titanate thin films, J. Materials Chem. C 4, 1080 (2016).
A. Braun, Y. Hu, F. Boudoire, D. K. Bora, D. D. Sarma, M. Grätzel, C. M. Eggleston,
The electronic, chemical and electrocatalytic processes and intermediates on iron oxide
surfaces during photoelectrochemical water splitting, Catalysis Today 260, 72 (2016).
G. Tsekouras, F. Boudoire, Banabir Pal, M. Vondracek, K. Prince, D. D. Sarma, and A. Braun, Electronic Structure Origin of Conductivity and Oxygen Reduction Activity Changes in Low-Level Cr-Substituted (La,Sr)MnO3, J. Chem. Phys. 143, 114705 (2015).
Banabir Pal, Sumanta Mukherjee, and D.D. Sarma, Probing Complex Heterostructures using Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES),
J. Electron Spectroscopy & Relat. Phenom. 200, 332 (2015). (Invited article for the special volume).