International Conference on ‘Spins in Molecular System: Experiment, Theory, and Applications (SiMS 2022)’ is being held at the Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit (SSCU), the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. The conference is scheduled from 2nd December to 4th December 2022. The conference will house many eminent scientists from across the globe, where a plethora of knowledge and information will be exchanged on the various theoretical and applicative aspects of Magnetism. The conference will act as a platform to help in integrating chemists, physicists, and materials scientists from multiple fields of experimentation and theory, where advancement in Molecular Magnetism, Single Molecule Magnets, Spin-Crossover, Photomagnetism, Supramolecular Chemistry, Molecular Clusters and Cages, Crystal Engineering, Photo-physical impacts on Switchable Systems, Magnetism in Nano-Materials, Quantum Computing, Memory Devices, Opto-electronic Device development, 1D and 2D Materials, Molecular Electronics, Molecular-Spin Qubits, Material Science, and Computational Aspect of Magnetism will be discussed. We invite contributions from researchers for presentation in the SiMS 2022. We cordially invite you all to be a part of the conference.
Important Dates
02-04 December 2022
Registration Close
20th November 2022
Abstract Submission Ends
20th November 2022
Acceptance of Abstract
20th November 2022


Prof. S. Ramasesha
Conference Chair

Dr. Abhishek Mondal
Conference Chair