Honorary Professor
Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore – 560012, India
E-mail: akshukla@iisc.ac.in
Tel: +91 (0)80 22932795
+91 (0)80 22932336 Extn. 2033
Lab: +91 (0)80 22932336 Extn. 2036, 2050
The current areas of research and development in this group primarily pertain to fuel cells, storage batteries and supercapacitors. The group at present is actively engaged in developing high-performance direct methanol, phosphoric acid and polymer electrolyte fuel cells. In the area of storage batteries, the emphasis is on rechargeable lithium-ion, nickel-metal hydride and valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries. The VRLA battery technology has been commercialized by NED Energy Ltd., Hyderabad at a project cost of Rs.120 million.