SiMS 2022: Spins In Molecular Systems

SiMS 2022: Spins In Molecular Systems

International Conference on ‘Spins in Molecular System: Experiment, Theory, and Applications (SiMS 2022)’ is being held at the Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit (SSCU), the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. The conference is scheduled...
Student Seminar: Conical Intersections and their Role in Initiating Visual Excitation 

Student Seminar: Shubajit Acharya

STUDENT SEMINAR    Speaker: Mr. Subhajit Acharya  Research Supervisor: Prof. Biman Bagchi  Topic: Use of collective coordinates in physical and biological systems  Date & Time: Thursday, 10th November 2022 at 4:00 PM  Venue: AG02/03, Chemical Sciences...
Student Seminar: Conical Intersections and their Role in Initiating Visual Excitation 

Student Seminar: Organic Lasers

STUDENT SEMINAR    Speaker: Ms. Sanchari Debnath  Research Supervisor: Prof. Satish Patil  Topic: Organic Lasers  Date & Time: Thursday, 3rd November 2022 at 4:00 PM  Venue: SSCU Auditorium (Old Building)  Abstract:   Lasers provide light with unique and...