
Student Seminar 

Name: Mr. Ajeet Kumar Rana

Title- Decomposition of Nitrous Oxide using Perovskite Catalyst 

Date & Time: Thursday, 07th December 2023 at 4.00 p.m. 

Venue: Rajarshi Bhattacharya Memorial Lecture Hall (AG02/03), Chemical Sciences Building


Global warming, an escalating crisis driven by greenhouse gases like CO2, CH4, and N2O, poses a severe threat to our planet. Despite its relatively lower volume, nitrous oxide (N2O) plays a significant and often underestimated role in exacerbating rising global temperatures. N2O’s heat-trapping potential, around 300 times more potent than CO2 over a century, renders it a substantial contributor to this crisis. Addressing this challenge, the catalytic decomposition of N2O emerges as a promising solution, bridging environmental and industrial concerns.

In this presentation, I will highlight the alarming emissions of N2O and their profound impact on both the ozone layer and the intensifying global warming crisis. Furthermore, I will delve into the kinetics of N2O, elucidating the necessity for catalysts in its decomposition. Transitioning focus towards catalytic aspects, the discussion will centre on oxide-based perovskites (ABO3) and their pivotal role in N2O decomposition. Emphasis will be placed on perovskite catalysts, exploring their applications and the catalytic mechanisms employed for efficient N2O breakdown. Lastly, I will explore the influence of orbital filling in perovskites, examining how it shapes their catalytic activity in N2O decomposition. This presentation aims to illuminate the critical role of perovskite catalysts and their potential in combatting N2O emissions, fostering environmentally sustainable solutions.



  1. Hwang, J. et al. Perovskites in catalysis and electrocatalysis. Science358, 751–756 (2017).
  2. Simböck, J. et al.Electronic parameters in cobalt-based perovskite-type oxides as descriptors for chemocatalytic reactions. Nat Commun11, 652 (2020).
  3. Vieten, J. et al. Materials design of perovskite solid solutions for thermochemical applications. Energy Environ. Sci.12, 1369–1384 (2019).