Professor and Chair
Ph.D. Universität Wuppertal, Germany
Email: spatil@iisc.ac.in
Phone: +91 80 2293 2651
Ph.D. Universität Wuppertal, Germany
Email: spatil@iisc.ac.in
Phone: +91 80 2293 2651
Organic Materials for Molecular Electronics
Research activities of our group are focused on exploring the manifold of molecular electronics ranging from organic photovoltaics, light-emitting diodes and field-effect transistors. Our interdisciplinary approach includes synthesizing multifunctional conjugated polymers and oligomers with novel properties and studying their characteristics working at the interface of chemistry, physics and materials engineering. We take advantage of molecular structures to fine tune the desire properties through molecular design and robust synthetic strategies.
The group at present is actively engaged in developing organic materials for-
- Organic Solar Cells
- Organic Field-Effect Transistors
- Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF)
- Singlet Fission
- Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices
- Kanimozhi, N. Y. Gross, K. W. Chou, A. Amassian, T. D. Anthopoulos and and S.Patil, Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Diketopyrrolopyrrole-based Conjugated Copolymer for High-Mobility Organic Field-Effect Transistors, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 16532.
- Nidhi Sharma, Shiv Kumar, Yogesh Chandrasekaran, Satish Patil*, Maleimide–based donor-π-acceptor-π-donor derivative for efficient organic light-emitting diodes, Organic Electronics, 2016, 38 180-185
- Tushita Mukhopadhyay, Boregowda Puttaraju, Satyaprasad P. Senanayak, Aditya Sadhanala, Richard Friend, Hendrik A. Faber, Thomas D. Anthopoulos, Ulrike Salzner, Andreas Meyer, and Satish Patil*, Air-Stable n-channel Diketopyrrolopyrrole−Diketopyrrolopyrrole Oligomers for High Performance Ambipolar Organic Transistors, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 38, 25415–25427
- Satyaprasad P. Senanayak, A. Z. Ashar, Catherine Kanimozhi, Satish Patil, and K. S. Narayan, Room-temperature bandlike transport and Hall effect in a high-mobility ambipolar polymer, Phys. Rev. B, 2015, 91, 115302
- Sebastian Albert-Seifried, Doo-Hyun Ko, Sven Hüttner, Catherine Kanimozhi, Satish Patil, Richard H Friend, Efficiency limitations in a low band-gap diketopyrrolopyrrole-based polymer solar cell, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 6743-6752
- Raja Bhaskar Kanth Siram, Meera Stephen, Farman Ali, and Satish Patil*, Investigation of Phase Separation in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells via Supramolecular Chemistry, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117, 9129–9136
- Mallari A. Naik, N. Venkatramaiah, Catherine Kanimozhi, and Satish Patil*, Influence of Side-Chain on structural order and photophysical properties in thiophene based diketopyrrolopyrroles: A systematic study, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012, 116, 26128–26137