Dr. Karthik V. Raman
Ramanujan Faculty Fellow
PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.Tech, Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi
Ph: (+91)-80-2293-3534 (Direct)
(+91)-80-22932336 Ext: 2110
Email: kvraman-AT-sscu.iisc.ernet.in
Home Page

- Nano-magnetism and mesoscopic spintronics
- Molecular electronics
- Thin film growth and nanofabrication
- Spin-caloritronics
- Sensor and memory devices
- R. S Shenoy, G. W Burr, K. Virwani, B. Jackson, A. Padilla, P. Narayanan, C. T Rettner, R. M Shelby, D. S Bethune, K. V Raman, M. BrightSky, E. Joseph, P. M Rice, T. Topuria, A. J Kellock, B. Kurdi and K. Gopalakrishnan, MIEC (mixed-ionic-electronic-conduction)-based access devices for non-volatile crossbar memory arrays, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 29, 104005 (2014).
- Karthik V. Raman, N. Atodiresei & J. S. Moodera, Tailoring ferromagnet-molecule interfaces: towards molecular spintronics, SPIN 04, 1440014 (2014).
- Karthik V. Raman, Interface-assisted molecular spintronics (Featured Article) , App. Phys. Rev. 1, 031101 (2014).
- N. Atodiresei & Karthik V. Raman, Interface-assisted spintronics: Tailoring at the molecular scale, MRS Bulletin 39, 596 (2014).
- Karthik V. Raman, Focusing on the molecular scale, Nature Nanotech. 8, 886 (2013).
- Karthik V. Raman, Alexander M. Kamerbeek, Arup Mukherjee, Nicolae Atodiresei et al., Interface engineered templates for molecular spin memory devices, Nature 493, 509 (2013). Selected News Coverage: TPM, ACM Communications, TOI
- K. V. Raman, J. Chang, J. S. Moodera, New method of spin injection into organic semiconductors using spin filtering tunnel barriers, Org. Electronics 12, 1275 (2011).
- K. V. Raman, S. M. Watson, J. H. Shim, J. A. Borchers, J. Chang, J. S. Moodera , Effect of molecular ordering on spin and charge injection in rubrene, Phy. Rev. B 80, 195212 (2009). Selected as editor’s suggestion and for the December 14, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
Selected Invited talks
- ‘Interface-assisted Molecular Spintronics’, AVS Conference (Symposium), Baltimore, Maryland (Nov 2014).
- ‘Tailoring Interfaces at Molecular scale’, SPIN OS conference, Himeji, Japan (Oct. 2014).
- ‘Molecular route to building memory devices’, International Conference on Functional Metalorganics, Kolkotta (Feb 2013).
- ‘Spin polarized tunneling and injection in organic semiconductors’ (Symposium), APS March Meeting, Portland, US (2010).
- “High Density Molecular memory storage with read and write capabilities”. K VENKATARAMAN, J MOODERA WO Patent 2,013,062,617, WO Patent 2,013,062,61