Student Seminar
Name: Ms. Telna Thomas
Title:  Electrochemical carbon dioxide capture and storage
Date & Time: Wednesday, 18th September 2024 at 4.00 p.m. 
Venue: Rajarshi Bhattacharya Memorial  Lecture Hall, Chemical Sciences Building
The levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), the largest anthropogenic greenhouse gas, have risen to unprecedented heights in recent years, causing severe pollution and contributing to global warming around the world. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is crucial for meeting global warming mitigation targets. However, current thermochemical capture technologies have extremely high energy demands and inflexible designs, which limit their versatility and scalability. Utilizing renewable electricity instead of heat as the energy source for CO2 separation offers a promising alternative to overcome these limitations. While electrochemical technologies have been widely developed for energy storage and CO2 utilization, their broader application in CCS has only recently begun to gain attention. Several scientific proofs-of-concept have emerged, along with a growing pipeline of concepts at different stages of technological readiness. In this presentation, I will discuss the emerging science and recent advances in electrochemical CCS processes, evaluating their current maturity and prospects. I will also highlight new ideas that are ripe for further research and development, enabling a comprehensive assessment of the impact of electrochemical CCS in the years ahead.
  1. Zito, A. M. et al. Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Capture and Concentration. Chem. Rev.123, 8069–8098 (2023).
  2. Coupling electrochemical CO2 conversion with CO2 capture | Nature Catalysis (2024)
  3. Rheinhardt, J. H., Singh, P., Tarakeshwar, P. & Buttry, D. A. Electrochemical Capture and Release of Carbon Dioxide. ACS Energy Lett.2, 454–461 (2017)
  4. Wang, M., Herzog, H. J. & Hatton, T. A. CO 2 Capture Using Electrochemically Mediated Amine Regeneration. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.59, 7087–7096 (2020)