

Speaker:         Suraj Yadav 

Topic:              Agrivoltaic 

Date & Time:  Thursday, 12 August 2021 at 4:00 PM through MICROSOFT TEAMS 

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Abstract :

Agrivoltaic is co-developing same area of land for both solar photovoltaic power as well as agriculture. The coexistence of solar panels and crops implies sharing of light between them which helps to reduce energy demand without hampering crop growth. Apart from that, shading by PV panels provides multiple additives and synergistic benefits including reduced plant drought stress, greater food production, and reduced PV panel heat stress.

In my seminar, I will first discuss about spectrally selective solar cells based on an ultrathin layer of germanium semiconductor where desired transmission and reflection spectra are achieved by Febry Perot type multilayer resonator. Secondly, based on the gaussian distributed DOS of organic semiconductors, I will briefly discuss how light can be selectively absorbed by choosing appropriate molecules or polymers which further help in light sharing between plants and organic solar cells. Then I will conclude by discussing how shading by PV panels provides extra benefits to plants and PV panels.


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